Service Provider Readiness in Pay for Success Initiatives

Michael Marks
Hanno Petras
Jennifer Loeffler-Cobia

Organizational readiness within the implementation science literature is broadly defined as a state in which an organization is sufficiently prepared to implement a change (often an evidence-based intervention). Initial Pay for Success (PFS) projects emphasized the selection of provider organizations with sufficient expertise and experience as well as an administrative capacity to support scale-up of adopted interventions. Recently, there has been increasing focus on ways to support more organizations to become ready for PFS initiatives, to include less resourced organizations who could contribute to community efforts to address complex service challenges. 

Several questions emerge about readiness in PFS, which we begin to address in two briefs:

  1. Service Provider Readiness in Pay for Success Initiatives
    • What does it mean to be “PFS-ready”?
    • How important is it for selected providers to be “ready” at project inception?
    • What processes are being used to assess, as well as support, provider readiness throughout the PFS process?
  2. Connecting Readiness Assessment in Pay for Success with Implementation Science
    • To what extent do PFS organizational assessments integrate what is known from implementation science literature?
    • Are there lessons from PFS organizational assessments that are not fully included within the implementation science research that can be investigated as important elements of readiness?
Jason Katz
Senior Researcher