8th Annual CALDER Conference - Two Way Street: Research and Research Users

On Friday, February 20, 2015 the National Center for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER) will hold its Eighth Annual Research Conference.

This year’s conference will bring together prominent education researchers and funders with policy makers and practitioners to have a dialogue about the types of research being produced and how the work ends up being used in the field.

We invite you to learn more about the 2015 Annual CALDER Conference proceedings using the resources below:


Jane Hannaway, Georgetown University/CALDER
Dan Goldhaber, American Institutes for Research/CALDER

PANEL I: Teacher Recruitment, Selection, and Retention: Practices and Incentives

Policy Reactors:
Steve Cantrell, Gates Foundation
Tennille Jeffries-Simmons, Spokane Public Schools
The Impact of Incentives to Recruit and Retain Teachers in `Hard-to-Staff’  Subjects: An Analysis of the Florida Critical Teacher Shortage Program
Tim Sass, Georgia State University/CALDER
Li Feng, Texas State University
Pension Enhancements and the Retention of Public Employees
Cory Koedel, University of Missouri-Columbia/CALDER
P. Brett Xiang, University of Missouri-Columbia

Screen Twice, Cut Once: Assessing the Predictive Validity of Teacher Selection Tools
Dan Goldhaber, American Institutes for Research/CALDER
Cyrus Grout, University of Washington
Nick Huntington-Klein, University of Washington

Performance Screens for School Improvement: the Case of Teacher Tenure Reform in New York City
Jim Wyckoff, University of Virginia/CALDER
Susanna Loeb, Stanford University/CALDER
Luke C. Miller, University of Virginia/CALDER

Policy Round Table & Questions from the Floor

PANEL II: Accountability Pressure: Unintended Consequences?

Policy Reactors:
Thomas Wei, U.S. Department of Education
Accountability Pressure and Non-Achievement Student Behaviors
Helen Ladd, Duke University/CALDER
John B. Holbein, Duke University
Who Enters Teaching? Encouraging Evidence That the Status of Teaching Is Improving
Luke C. Miller, University of Virginia/CALDER
Hamilton Lankford, University of Albany
Susanna Loeb, Stanford, University/CALDER
Andrew McEachin, North Carolina State University
Jim Wyckoff, University of Virginia/CALDER
Hold Back to Move Forward? Early Grade Retention and Student Misbehavior
Umut Özek, American Institutes for Research/CALDER
Policy Round Table & Questions from the Floor

PANEL III: Tracking Students into College and the Labor Market 

Policy Reactors:
Ed Bowling, Guilford Technical Community College
James Benson, US Department of Education
Understanding the STEM Pipeline
Tim Sass, Georgia State University/CALDER
Assessing Chapel Hill’s ‘Carolina Covenant’ Aid Program
Charles Clotfelter, Duke University/CALDER
Steve Hemelt, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Helen Ladd, Duke University/CALDER
Who Transfers and Where Do They Go? Community College Students in Florida
Ben Backes, American Institutes for Research/CALDER
Erin Dunlop Velez, RTI International
Is It Worth It? Postsecondary Education and Labor Market Outcomes for the Disadvantaged
Harry Holzer, Georgetown University/CALDER
Ben Backes, American Institutes for Research/CALDER
Erin Dunlop Velez, RTI International

Policy Round Table & Questions from the Floor

PANEL IV: Immigrants, Siblings, and TFAers


Chair: Jane Hannaway, Georgetown University/CALDER

New Evidence on the Career Paths of TFA teachers
Steve Rivkin, University of Illinois – Chicago/CALDER
Eric Hanushek, Stanford University/CALDER
Gregory F. Branch, University of Texas at Dallas
Cross-Generational Differences in Educational Outcomes in the Second Great Wave of Immigration
Umut Özek, American Institutes for Research/CALDER
David Figlio, Northwestern University/CALDER
The Effects of Disabilities on Sibling Outcomes
Krzysztof Karbownik, Northwestern University
Sandra Black, University of Texas at Austin
David Figlio, Northwestern University/CALDER
Jonathan Guryan, Northwestern University
Jeffrey Roth, University of Florida/CALDER

Questions from the Floor

Event Information

February 20, 2015
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET