Bitnara Jasmine Park

Principal Researcher

Bitnara Jasmine Park is a principal researcher at AIR, where she applies her skills and knowledge to various projects including but not limited to NAEP-related review and research activities, evaluation of literacy interventions, development of literacy assessments for teachers, and evaluation of career development programs targeting individuals with disabilities.

Dr. Park received her Ph.D. from the College of Education at the University of Oregon, specializing in educational assessment and quantitative methodology. During her doctoral training, she worked at the Behavioral Research and Teaching Research Center at the University of Oregon, focusing on the development of curriculum-based measurement screening and progress-monitoring assessment systems designed for teachers and practitioners to enhance response to intervention practices in schools and districts. She has authored more than 40 technical reports and presented more than 30 conference presentations about various topics related to technical adequacy of assessments, psychometric properties of items and tests for students from diverse backgrounds including students with disabilities or LEP, and student literacy growth and efficacy of screening measures to enhance identification of at-risk students.

Image of Jasmine Park

Ph.D., Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership; M.A., Linguistics; and B.A., International Studies, University of Oregon
