Dar Maxwell
Dar Maxwell is a principal project specialist in the International Development Division at AIR, specializing in global team leadership, strategic planning, international project management, and innovative adult learning design, delivery, and virtual facilitation. Currently, she is the project lead/chief of party, for the USAID Famine Early Warning Systems (FEWS NET) Learning and Data Hub.
For more than 14 years, Maxwell worked for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), leading Learning and Knowledge Management teams toward innovative learning solutions for both domestic and international audiences, as well as being a lead innovator in integrating technology with learning. Maxwell also coordinated hundreds of virtual events such as webinars, virtual trainings, mentoring sessions, and other learning products for USAID’s ProgramNet website (internal), USAID’s Learning Lab (external), and at least ten other USAID offices and bureaus, including USAID/Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning, and USAID/Bureau for Food Security (now Bureau for Resilience and Food Security).
In addition, Maxwell’s career included capacity building and strategic knowledge management for Monitoring, Evaluating and Learning activities across several international portfolios and geographical regions.
For 20 years, prior to working in international development, Maxwell was an award-winning producer and technical engineer in national network broadcast news, including NPR, ABC News, NBC News, and The Christian Science Monitor.

B.S. Communications/Radio, TV, Film, University of Texas, Austin; M.A. Teaching and Learning with Technology, University of Arizona, Global Campus