Eleanor Fulbeck
Eleanor Fulbeck leads strategy, business development, and client partnerships as a senior director for AIR’s Human Services Division. The Human Services division includes over 800 staff working on more than 500 projects for over 400 clients focused on research, evaluation, and technical assistance across education, workforce, and youth, family, and community development. Dr. Fulbeck provides strategic leadership for the large number of proposals developed, projects executed, and clients served by the Human Services division.
Dr. Fulbeck’s own research is primarily focused on education topics including teacher preparation, professional development, and retention; education technology and data use in schools; literacy, mathematics, and science education. Her research consistently addresses improving academic outcomes and life opportunities for diverse learners and vulnerable populations by generating and using rigorous evidence.
Dr. Fulbeck has designed and led rigorous large-scale, complex evaluations using randomized controlled trial designs as well as quasi-experimental studies. Currently, she directs the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) national Comprehensive Literacy Program Evaluation, a study of the implementation of the Striving Readers federal grant program, and the impact of its successor program, the Comprehensive Literacy State Development grant program. She also directs the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Balance the Equation Grand Challenge project, providing technical assistance to a portfolio of 15 grantees and developing efficacy and correlational studies for grantees’ Algebra 1 interventions. Dr. Fulbeck also leads, and has led, multiple evaluations of teacher preparation programs, including Teach For America, the National Center for Teacher Residencies, the Denver Teacher Residency, and the Raising Texas Teachers Initiative.
Before joining AIR, Dr. Fulbeck was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania and a secondary social studies teacher in New York City.

Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder, Educational Foundations, Policy & Practice and Research & Evaluation Methodology; M.S., Fordham University, Adolescent Social Studies Education; B.A., New York University, Globalization Studies