Julia Marchand
Julia Marchand is a senior researcher at AIR. She has 15 years of qualitative and quantitative evaluation experience working with diverse stakeholders in the fields of education, workforce development, youth development, and health promotion. In her work at AIR, she designs, conducts, and manages internal and external evaluations, needs assessments, and case studies, and synthesizes findings into cogent and actionable reports for state, district, and school-level clients. Marchand has served as the project director for several multi-methods projects, including studies of district assessment practices, statewide implementation of the Common Core State Standards, teacher professional development, and a districtwide system of support for struggling urban schools. She currently leads the internal evaluations of several large federally funded technical assistance centers as well as a study examining the outcomes of a beginning teacher support and mentorship program.
Prior to joining AIR, Marchand worked on an evaluation of a youth offender demonstration project, an initiative aimed at integrating service-learning into mainstream K-12 education, and a school-based health promotion project in urban districts. She also served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Jamaica and an English language teaching fellow in Asia.

M.S., Public Health Policy, Tufts University; B.A., English Literature, Princeton University