Santiago Munevar Salazar

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Specialist

Santiago Munevar Salazar is a monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) specialist at AIR, directing the Equity and Cash Transfers in Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia project, which focuses on reducing exclusion errors and promoting the inclusion of poor people with multiple identities in cash transfer programs. He also leads the MEL system of the CAMINOS project in Mexico. Additionally, he offers technical guidance on MEL topics to other projects of AIR’s labor rights portfolio and provides strategic planning facilitation.

Salazar has 10 years’ experience in MEL, and has been involved in approximately 40 program evaluations, including for the United Nations Development Program, U.S. Department of Labor, Oxfam Mexico, the UK Department for International Development (now Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office), and more. 

Prior to his current role, Salazar worked as a senior monitoring and evaluation specialist at International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. in the USAID Mexico external MEL platform. He coordinated and supervised the MEL activities of the platform, including monitoring tasks like indicator systems development at the mission and at the activity levels; evaluation tasks such as the capacity development performance evaluation; strategic analysis for the program office like the gender analysis and the private sector landscape assessment; and learning activities, including delivery of training and technical assistance to USAID staff and their implementing partners, learning workshops facilitation, and development of a MEL toolkit for USAID Mexico implementing partners.

Finally, he has worked at the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy in Mexico, where he advised and trained state and municipal governments on building planning, monitoring, and evaluation systems for their social development policies. Before that, Salazar worked at the School of Public Administration of the Mexico City Government, delivering advice and training in results-based management, including MEL activities, for local public servants.

Santiago Munevar Salazar

M.A., Urban Studies, El Colegio de México; B.A., Political Science, Paris Institute of Political Science (Sciences Po)
