Tracy Long
Tracy Long is a senior TA consultant at AIR. Her primary responsibilities include providing technical assistance, expertise, and conducting trainings to support youth with disabilities for state and federal education agencies. Long is also responsible for the dissemination of knowledge and development of tools for state and federal agencies and their grant holders through her work on IDEA ADCM and the National Center of Systemic improvement. Long’s current work is centered around the IDEA ADCM Multiple Task Order Project, where she is the Task 5 Lead and responsible for overseeing all aspects of and maintaining of the OSEP Ideas That Work website. Additionally, Long’s work supports the National Center of Systemic Improvement's Knowledge Utilization Team, where responsibilities include dissemination of resources to states.
Previously, Long was with the Allegiance Project, a collaboration with the Rand Corporation and Cincinnati Public Schools where responsibilities included adapting and developing trainings of the Good Behavior Game to a walking school bus model, providing onsite training, and additional coaching support through weekly calls. Long also worked at the Texas and Southeast Comprehensive Centers. Major responsibilities included collaborating with state education agency staff to develop evaluation plans and instruments to assess the effectiveness of school improvement, early childhood programs and teacher/principal evaluation. Long has extensive experience in research data collection, the fidelity of implementation and qualitative analysis of data.
Prior to her work at AIR, Long worked for ten years as a special education, RTI, and reading intervention teacher where she was responsible for school-wide assessments, supporting classroom teachers, and working closely with administrators and parents to ensure students’ success.

M.Ed., Elementary Education and Special Education, University of Washington; B.A., Theatre Arts, California State University-Fullerton