Partnering for Better Chronic Pain Management and Safer Opioid Use
The purpose of this Knowledge Hub is to help people with disabilities and their health care providers work together to manage chronic pain effectively and safely. The resources will help people and providers create a pain management plan designed with the person’s needs in mind, discuss different ways to manage pain, and work together for safer opioid use. AIR experts developed the Knowledge Hub with funding from NIDILRR.

Partnering for Better Chronic Pain Management and Safer Opioid Use
Partnering for Better Chronic Pain Management and Safer Opioid Use: A Knowledge Hub for People With Disability and Their Providers is designed to help people with disability and their providers work together to manage chronic pain find chronic pain solutions that may include opioids, in addition to other ways to manage chronic pain. The evidence-informed resources on the Knowledge Hub include actionable tips and tools for people and providers to:
- Share their knowledge and experiences to create a person-centered chronic pain management plan.
- Weigh the benefits and risks of opioids and work together to find pathways to safer opioid use.
- Accurately identify prescription opioid use disorder, should it occur.
- Support loved ones through addiction recovery, including tips for providing family support and self-care.
- Access and coordinate opioid use disorder treatment that considers the needs of a person with disability.

Get actionable information about how to talk with your provider about your pain management needs and using opioids to manage pain, developing and adjusting a pain management plan, engaging support systems if you develop an opioid use disorder, and more.

Get actionable information to confidently treat people with chronic pain and disability and to engage them in self-managing their pain. Resources outline practical information on a variety of topics such as tips for building trust, co-creating a chronic pain management plan, and managing difficult conversations about opioid use.
About the Knowledge Hub
Partnering for Better Chronic Pain Management and Safer Opioid Use: A Knowledge Hub for People With Disability and Their Providers is a set of evidence-based resources to support people with chronic pain and disabilities, as well as their healthcare providers, to better manage pain, more safely manage opioids, and learn about accessing treatment for opioid use disorder. In the Knowledge Hub, disability refers to when a person’s chronic pain and health condition reaches a level that substantially limits one or more of their activities of daily living, such as eating, bathing, and dressing. Learn more about the Knowledge Hub.
Contact us:
The Knowledge Hub was developed under grant 90DPGE0006 from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The contents of these resources do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, and HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.