AIR’s Marlene Darwin to Present to Committee for Education Funding’s Research and Analysis Committee

Washington, D.C. – Marlene Darwin, a senior researcher at the American Institutes for Research (AIR), will discuss ways educators can use research during a presentation on May 18 in Washington, D.C. Darwin will present on behalf of the Doing What Works (DWW) initiative to the Research and Analysis Committee of the Committee for Education Funding, which is the nation’s largest education coalition.

The purpose of the presentation, Helping Educators Use Research in a Practical Way through Doing What Works, is to discuss the DWW website and how it helps education practitioners understand education research in a way that is meaningful and practical to the application of their work. The presentation will also highlight the depth of free online content available to practitioners to enhance professional development, and other ways that DWW content can be used.

The Doing What Works Initiative is a website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education that translates research-based recommendations into media, tools, and other resources to help teachers, schools, districts, states and technical assistance providers implement research-based instructional practices. Much of the DWW content draws from Practice Guides produced through the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC), an Institute of Education Sciences (IES) project that evaluates research on practices and interventions to let the education community know what is likely to work.

Dr. Darwin is the co-project director and content lead for the U.S. Department of Education’s DWW initiative and will present on “Examples of States, Institutions of Higher Education, and Districts Using DWW.” Other presenters include Jennifer Ballen Riccards, Program Manager, Doing What Works, U.S. Department of Education; Kelly Pollitt, Director, Advocacy, Policy, & Special Projects, National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP); and Kelly Stuart, Director of Dissemination, DWW, WestEd.

About AIR
Established in 1946, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., the American Institutes for Research (AIR) is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization that conducts behavioral and social science research and delivers technical assistance both domestically and internationally in the areas of health, education, and workforce productivity. For more information, visit


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Dana Tofig

Managing Director, Corporate Communications