Alan Krueger Nominated for Senior U.S. Treasury Post

Washington, D.C.Sol H. Pelavin, president and CEO of the American Institutes for Research (AIR), praised the selection of Alan Krueger, the award-winning Princeton economist who has served on AIR’s Board of Directors since 2002, to serve as assistant secretary of economic policy at the U.S. Treasury Department.

"Alan Krueger is an outstanding economist and an outstanding human being whose impressive intellect is matched by his compassion,” Pelavin said. “It has been an honor to work with him and a comfort to know he is willing to answer this challenge to our nation’s economic future."

On Sunday, March 8, 2009 President Obama announced the nomination of Krueger to direct the Treasury Department’s Office of Economic Policy. The office is responsible for analyzing and reporting on economic developments and trends in the United States and world economies, including developments in the financial markets. It assists in the development of U.S. economic policies.

The nomination requires Senate confirmation. Krueger stepped down from his position with AIR earlier this year in preparation for his new duties.

"We are grateful for his many contributions as a member of our Board,” Pelavin said. “He has been a valuable member of our Board, and while we will miss his contributions to AIR, we are grateful for his willingness to join in the effort to rescue the troubled U.S. economy. We thank Alan for all of the guidance and insights that he has provided over the years, and wish him every success."

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Dana Tofig

Managing Director, Corporate Communications