Analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of NCLB (NLS-NCLB) and the Study of State Implementation of Accountability and Teacher Quality Under NCLB (SSI-NCLB)
Together with our partners, AIR has conducted the two largest studies of the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act to date: The National Longitudinal Study of the No Child Left Behind Act (NLS-NCLB) and the Study of State Implementation of NCLB (SSI-NCLB). While the first study collected two waves of survey data from a nationally-representative sample of districts officials, principals, teachers, and paraprofessionals, the SSI-NCLB gathered interview and extant data from state directors of assessment and accountability, teacher quality, Title III, and supplemental educational services in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Together, these studies constitute the major data sources for the Congressionally-mandated National Assessment of Title I, the purpose of which is to inform Congress prior to the next reauthorization of ESEA.
Supplemental Educational Services and Student Achievement in Five Waiver Districts (2011)
National Assessment of Title I: Interim Report to Congress (2006)