Compliance in Auto Parts through Labor Law Enforcement (CALLE)

En Español

Factory worker painting a car

Effective labor law enforcement is a priority for Mexico’s Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS) and a key labor obligation under the United States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement. The CALLE project aimed to strengthen Mexican government protection of workers’ rights by addressing significant challenges in Mexico’s federal inspection administration process.

CALLE improved labor inspection quality in Mexico by strengthening the STPS's existing tools—substantive, technological, and data-driven—while also developing new tools to support the planning, execution, and tracking of inspections.

AIR's Role in the CALLE Project

The impact ranges from being more efficient in the allocation of public resources, strengthening the technical capacities for data management, to potentially helping inhibit certain behaviors that go against regulations, as actors see that inspections are increasingly accurate.

- Roberto Gerhard, General Director of Labor Research and Statistics, STPS

AIR increased knowledge and awareness within the STPS departments and influenced their beliefs and practices, leading to improved interinstitutional coordination within STPS. This was achieved by supporting the creation of new institutional relationships, linkages, and networks across areas that historically had not engaged with or had fragmented communication with the labor inspectorate.

AIR provided comprehensive technical assistance to Mexico's STPS to strengthen government management of labor inspections to effectively protect worker’s rights and ensure the implementation of labor law. 

Our Approach

In CALLE, we developed a comprehensive approach to support planning, execution, and tracking of federal labor inspections.

Project Results

  • We updated and developed innovative technological tools for planning, execution, and tracking labor inspections. STPS is using these tools to support labor inspection administration.
  • We developed a data intelligence system for data-driven and strategic labor inspection planning.
  • We developed two key labor inspection instruments to help inspectors effectively execute inspections and fulfill their mission:
  • We trained 675 officials in the use of technological tools and labor inspection instruments to improve the quality of the inspection process.
  • We designed a rigorous professional diploma program for 170 federal labor inspectors. 

Watch the video to learn more about the diploma program: