CTE Policy Exchange (CTEx)

The Career and Technical Education Policy Exchange (CTEx) at Georgia State University provides policymakers with direct and actionable evidence to inform the future of Career and Technical Education (CTE) in U.S. high schools. CTEx pairs academic researchers with decisionmakers in state departments of education to rigorously and collaboratively assess CTE enrollment, delivery, quality, and impact on both individuals and the broader economy. In its first three years, CTEx impacted program development and informed policy implementation in three states.
The National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER) at AIR is participating in the second iteration of CTEx as a sub-contractor to Georgia State to broaden the scope of its action-oriented research agenda. Specifically, CALDER is responsible for leading analyses using data from the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and in partnership with CTEx researchers using data from the other partnering states (Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, and Tennessee).
This project is funded by the Smith Richardson Foundation.