Public Quality and Cost Reporting on California Health Plans and Medical Groups
California's Health Care Quality Report Cards are designed to help inform and educate consumers about their rights and responsibilities as health plan enrollees and to educate them about how to use services offered by their health plans. AIR assists the National Committee on Quality Assurance in supporting the California Office of the Patient Advocate in publicly reporting clinical performance and patient experience data for the state's largest health plans and more than 200 medical groups.
The Report Cards are designed to help inform and educate consumers about their rights and responsibilities as health plan enrollees and to educate them about how to use services offered by their health plans. AIR writes, designs, and tests plain language report card materials and displays for consumers, as well as monitoring trends in public reporting. Since the project’s inception, the AIR team has conducted hundreds of interviews with consumers to help improve the content and usability of the report cards with a diverse group of English and Spanish speaking consumers across the state of California.