Research Roundtable on Children of Color in the Child Welfare System

The purpose of this project was to clarify, through recent research, the reasons for ethnic disproportionalities in child welfare, to make policy and practice recommendations to the Children’s Bureau, and to publish the research in a respected journal.

The proposed approach of this project was to establish a database of scientific research in the field of racial and ethnic disproportionalities in child welfare, commission scientific papers from experts in the field, organize a scientific meeting for the experts to present and discuss their papers, compile and edit the papers for publication, and establish a plan for disseminating a summary report to policymakers and practitioners.

AIR was able to successfully meet all of the expectations of the Administration for Children and Families. The results included the following: AIR-developed database of current research in the field of racial and ethnic disproportional ties in child welfare. AIR was also able to commission eight respected researchers and child welfare professionals. The papers were published in the May/June 2003 special issue of Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 25, Number5/6. 2003. Evaluation of Policies, Procedures, and Practices Affecting the Education of Children Residing in Group Homes Client: State of California Department: EDHW Year: 2001-2003