Runaway and Homeless Youth Management Information Systems (RHY-HMIS)
An estimated 4.2 million American adolescents and young adults aged 13 to 25 experienced some form of homelessness in the previous year. Collecting high-quality data about the services provided to young people is an important step in finding solutions to homelessness. AIR, under contract to the Family and Youth Services Bureau within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, developed, launched, and maintained the Runaway and Homeless Youth Homeless Management Information System (RHY-HMIS) between 2015 and 2019.
RHY-HMIS is the only national client-level, unduplicated homeless database in the U.S. and provides information about the most vulnerable people in our nation, unaccompanied homeless youth. AIR designed and built the new system under strict security protocols and supported implementation through technical assistance and training to grantees nationally. AIR developed the RHY-HMIS Data Dashboard, security protocols, training and technical assistance, resources manuals and FAQ documents, maintained the RHY-HMIS Service Desk, presented at national and regional conferences, and partnered with and oversaw two subcontractors: WellSky, which created RHYPoint and the Data Quality report, and National Safe Place Network, subject matter experts that engaged and evaluated grantee feedback.