Texas Leadership Excellence Academies (LEA)

The Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and Learning (TCALL) and the Texas Workforce Commission sought to expand the pool of trained and highly skilled program administrators and instructional leaders who understand the role that adult education can play in the Texas workforce system and can provide exceptional leadership. To achieve this goal, AIR developed the Texas Leadership Excellence Academy (LEA) to help adult education administrators and instructional leaders more effectively lead themselves, their teams, and their organizations resulting in increased student outcomes and success.
AIR adult education and leadership development experts developed training materials for two separate academies for administrative and instructional leaders in 2019 and facilitated cohorts of the two LEA academies through 2021.
From 2022-2023, AIR fully integrated and adapted the original LEA training materials into one hybrid training to meet the needs of both administrators and instructional leaders. This hybrid model includes eight training components using a combination of synchronous webinars and face-to-face training sessions during an 8-month period.