

Displaying 256 - 270 of 903
The Government of Botswana is committed to helping all students to reach their full potential in both academic and non-academic ...
Funded by the Florida state Legislature, the Community Partnership Schools (CPS) model aims to provide students and their families with ...
Big data has entered the field of education increasingly over the last decade. The most important factor for this increase ...
The Department for International Development, UNICEF, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees established the Humanitarian Education Accelerator (HEA), ...
The Appalachian Regional Commission's mission is to innovate, partner, and invest to build community capacity and strengthen economic growth in ...
Developing and implementing a national educational assessment system for monitoring and supporting quality of education is a key investment for ...
AIR worked with the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB) to develop an advertising campaign, What’s Your Vision?, which aims ...
The number of Americans living with arthritis continues to grow beyond the field of rheumatology’s capacity to provide needed care. ...
National surveys show that vaccination rates for young children (19–35 months old) in rural areas are lower for nearly all ...
Dual language leaners represent large and growing population in California’s early learning programs. Yet, without formal certifications or training requirements, ...
California’s state-supported networks could play a critical role in sustaining family child care providers, an important source of child care ...
The Kidney Care Choices Model is an accountable care organization that aims to help providers improve outcomes and reduce cost ...
This study investigated the percentage of Round Rock ISD graduates from 2012/13 through 2017/18 who completed one or more CTE programs of study.
The Meta-Analysis Training Institute (MATI) is a one-week intensive workshop aimed at researchers interested in conducting Institute of Education Sciences ...
The Modern Meta-Analyses Research Institute is a five-day intensive workshop aimed at STEM researchers interested in learning how to conduct ...