

Displaying 601 - 615 of 903
Providers seek to incorporate patient perspectives into the design of care, but what is it that patients value in their ...
Since 2008, AIR has been a pro bono investment partner with Say Yes to Education, a national nonprofit organization committed ...
Progress in implementation science over the last two decades allows our nation to reap important gains from years of investing ...
Hundreds of thousands of families and more than one million children are homeless in America each year, and the numbers ...
AIR conducts food security monitoring in some of the world’s most vulnerable locations. Working in highly insecure environments, AIR’s field-based researchers ...
IMPAQ conducted randomized controlled trial (RCT) impact evaluations to examine the effects of interventions aimed at combating child labor in ...
AIR supported a local transit authority that has been in existence for over 50 years, providing nearly 300 million trips ...
With limited access to health services and education, patriarchal norms, and mounting violence, Nigerian women struggle to gain economic opportunities ...
UTZ is a non-governmental organization that designs programs that support farmers in obtaining certification when they adopt sustainable agricultural practices ...
In the absence of viable affordable housing policies, the percentage of India’s urban population that cannot afford a home will ...
Smallholder farmers rely on crops for income and food security, but their ability to generate income and maintain food security ...
The Good Behavior Game is a team-based classroom behavior management strategy that promotes positive behavior and has shown positive long-term ...
The National Clearinghouse on Supportive School Discipline supports educational practitioners in their efforts to transform the conditions for ...
The Indiana Department of Education requested the Great Lakes Comprehensive Center's support as it designed and implemented the planning process ...
The Oklahoma Rural Schools Research Alliance sought to investigate three research topics: effective professional development strategies in rural schools, use ...