International Education Systems and Teachers

Making education a true engine for human and social development requires evidence-based instructional strategies and systems for students, families, and teachers. AIR integrates the science of what works with the equally complex science of implementing what works on a global scale. 

Our core work generates evidence and evaluates effectiveness and impact, applying our research and evaluation assets to improve educational services worldwide. AIR draws from more than 29 internal research centers investigating multiple dimensions of national and international instructional effectiveness and educational systems change, from early childhood to adult learning.

Successful implementation of evidence-based practices is not a mere replication of proven instructional practices. We believe that successful implementation is an inquiry-driven process that cultivates endogenous capacities to generate context-specific solutions to context-specific challenges. AIR demonstrates our commitment to conducting and applying the best behavioral and social science research and evaluation in five ways:

  • Sharing the latest scientific discoveries about how humans learn
  • Providing technical assistance in instructional strategies that enhance learning
  • Underscoring the learning component of systems change and using that component to promote methodical approaches to organizational leadership, educational reform, and school effectiveness
  • Fostering a culture of assessment, research, and evaluation among the countries we work with to build their efficacy and capacity to generate context specific solutions they can defend, implement, and sustain in their respective educational environments
  • Contributing to a global educational system that meets the aspirations of the students worldwide

When more countries develop their capacities to conduct scientific research focusing on improving educational systems, the world’s collective ability to solve the complex challenges of human development grows. By actively participating in global conversations about improving educational systems, AIR shares its expertise and also learns from the skills and expertise of the countries we interact with.