Consumer Usability Testing in Five State-Based Marketplaces: Key Challenges and Best Practice Recommendations

Amanda Borsky, Jennifer Lucado, Brandy Farrar, Erin Kavanagh, Elena Lumby, Katie Manson, and Kathryn Paez

Since January 1, 2014, consumers and small businesses have had access to new health insurance Marketplaces (or Exchanges). Consumers in every state and the District of Columbia are able to buy qualified health plans available through their state’s Marketplace, and about 18 million Americans may be eligible for tax credits to help pay for their health insurance.

AIR conducted consumer website usability testing with five State-Based Marketplaces (SBMs) during the 2015 open enrollment period. The usability testing focused on how consumers navigate and understand the key functions of the SBM websites, including determining eligibility to receive financial subsidies for the cost of the plan, and comparing plans and choosing a plan that fits their needs. The report, Consumer Usability Testing in Five State-Based Marketplaces: Key Challenges and Best Practice Recommendationssummarizes findings from the testing and provides the SBMs with recommendations for how to improve consumer’s experiences.

AIR created this report with funding from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The report and related resources are available at the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services website (PDF).