Options for Including Teachers of Nontested Grades and Subjects in Performance-Based Compensation Systems

Lauren Bivona

Many performance-based compensation systems use standardized test scores to calculate student growth, but for teachers of nontested grades and subjects (those without standardized assessments), alternative approaches may be needed. This report is divided into two parts. The first section discusses different performance-based compensation structures that include teachers of nontested grades and subjects. The second section explores different options for measuring student growth in nontested grades and subjects. Relevant examples from other states and districts are provided throughout.

The report concludes that measures of student achievement and growth should make up only part of a performance-based education system. No single measure can adequately capture all of the strengths and weaknesses of teacher practice and student performance. Thus, the inclusion of multiple measures in performance-based compensation designs is critical.

For more information about the use of multiple measures in performance-based compensation systems, see Combining Multiple Measures in Performance- Based Compensation Systems.