Including Forcibly Displaced Children in National Education Systems: Evidence on What Works
Approximately 100 million people were forcibly displaced by conflicts, natural disasters, and political and economic crises, both within and across borders in 2022 according to UNHCR. Although low- and middle-income countries host 85 percent of the world’s refugees and Venezuelans displaced abroad, the education systems in these host countries struggle to support displaced populations.
The World Bank, UK Government, and UNHCR worked together with AIR and New York University to Build Evidence on Forced Displacement through a systematic review and generated new evidence through country-level case studies in Colombia, Chad, Jordan, Pakistan, and Sudan.
In a webinar on February 28, 2023, we presented new data across case studies, including the key institutional, political, financial, and sociocultural factors affecting the inclusion of displaced children into national education systems. We discussed findings on how displaced populations are included in government education systems, the challenges related to financing education programs and their cost-effectiveness, and gaps between policy and practice across case study countries.
Noah Yarrow
Senior Education Specialist
The World Bank
Opening Remarks
Dina Abu-Ghaida
Human Development Program Leader, Middle East Department
World Bank
Roohi Malik
Education Adviser and Head of Education Programmes
British Embassy, Amman
Dana Burde
Associate Professor and Director of International Education
New York University, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
Hannah Ring
Principal Researcher
Andrea Coombes
Senior Researcher
Chinmaya Holla
Closing Remarks
Cirenia Chavez
Educations Officer