Jana Kemp
Jana Kemp is a principal researcher at AIR. Kemp currently serves as project director of the School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) task of the Education Statistics Support Institute Network (ESSIN), which provides specialized statistical support to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). In this role, she oversees AIR’s efforts in supporting the design and implementation of the SSOCS data collection, including survey item development, review of data processing materials, and reporting of survey results. She also contributes to the Annual Reports Program ESSIN task by providing research and analysis support to NCES work in international education comparisons, including representing the United States at bi-annual international meetings as a member of two indicator development groups. Kemp serves as the task leader overseeing the NCES Information Requests Task which responds to external inquiries related to NCES data and activities and she has previously supported the production of NCES annual reports, including management and authorship duties on NCES’s flagship publications, The Condition of Education and the Indicators of School Crime and Safety. Prior to joining AIR, she worked at Child Trends in Washington, DC.

M.P.P., The George Washington University (concentration in Education Policy)