Juanita Hicks

Senior Researcher

Juanita Hicks is a senior researcher at AIR. Her primary responsibilities include contributing to general research of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and specifically towards the exploration of process data from computer-based assessments. Dr. Hicks has extensive experienc­e in educational research and educational measurement as it pertains to increasing the visibility and understanding of unknown or new data. She has trained in several different yet related subfields such as psychometrics, educational data mining, and machine learning, in the hope that she can utilize the intertwined skills to answer the increasingly complex questions posed by educational research.

Prior to joining AIR, Dr. Hicks gained experience in the exploration of process data from computer-based and digitally-based assessments such as Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Comp­­etencies (PIAAC), and NAEP, through her doctoral studies, internships, and professional development opportunities. She also has experience in machine learning algorithms, latent variable models, mixture models, cluster analysis and dimensionality reduction, and regression models.

Ph.D. and M.S., Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, University of North Carolina, Greensboro; M.A., Psychology, Pepperdine University; B.A., Psychology, University of California, Riverside
