Kwelin Pipkin
Kwelin Pipkin is a senior program manager with the AIR Opportunity Fund, where she leads initiatives at the intersection of workforce development, community health, and well-being. She oversees the AIR Scholars and Leaders Award grant competition, which expands opportunities for AIR staff to lead research, technical assistance, and efforts aimed at driving transformative impact.
With more than 18 years of experience in workforce development, grant management, and economic development, Pipkin works to bridge research and technical assistance with real-world applications. Before joining AIR, she served as interim client liaison and project director at Advocates for Human Potential, where she provided consultation, training, and coaching to strengthen the behavioral health workforce nationwide.
Previously, Pipkin managed federal workforce programs for the City of Phoenix Human Services Department, overseeing Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) initiatives to support individuals facing barriers to employment and education.

B.A. Political Science, Hampton University; M.P.A., Arizona State University; P.C.C., Duquesne University