Lisa Merrill

Senior Researcher

Lisa Merrill is a senior researcher at AIR. Dr. Merrill seeks to partner with practitioners and young people to address needs emerging from the field through the application of rigorous research and the production of actionable findings. Dr. Merrill has extensive experience in survey construction and analyses, statistical analyses, supporting practitioners in using data, mixed methods analysis, continuous improvement/improvement science, and communicating research to multiple audiences. 

At AIR, Merrill manages large scale projects funded by the U.S. Department of Education and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on topics related to transformative social emotional learning, math education, and academic mindsets. Prior to her work at AIR, Merrill worked at the Research Alliance for NYC Schools, where she led multiple Research-Practice Partnerships across NYC with the school district, community-based organizations, and youth. She began her career as an 8th grade math teacher in Brooklyn where she was humbled by the immense job of teaching and supporting young people in schools.

Lisa Merrill headshot

Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; M.A.T., Pace University; B.A., Economics, Pomona College
