Alliance pour la Protection des Enfants - Haiti

Violence against children is an enormous challenge in Haiti. Recovering from political instability and natural disaster, Haiti has a weak service delivery system, as well as inadequate response and referral systems for child protection. There are ongoing efforts to quell family and community violence in Haiti, and AIR is working with a variety of local child protection stakeholders to address patterns of behavior and attitudes towards violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of Haitian children.

The overarching goal of Alliance pour la Protection des Enfants is to leverage Haitian resources and build an evidence-based approach to strengthening child protection policies and practice and reducing violence against children in Haiti.

Alliance pour la Protection des Enfants supports the strategic objectives of USAID and the Government of Haiti to strengthen the protection of vulnerable children. Through this project, AIR collaborates with Haitian government ministries, United Nations agencies, community-based and local non-governmental organizations, as well as resource partners. AIR prioritizes an evidence-based approach to child protection, specifically to inform existing or new interventions that will reduce violence against children, mitigate the trafficking and forced labor of children, protect unaccompanied and separated migrant and stateless children, integrate street children into safer learning and care spaces, prevent the separation of children from their families, and explore alternative care and protection services.

Alliance pour la Protection des Enfants has four distinct phases: 1) Research; 2) Design of Pilot Interventions; 3) Implementation of Pilot Interventions; and 4) Evaluation and Learning for Scale Up. This project is working in three areas of Haiti: Ouest Department, Artibonite Department, and on the border in Nord-Est and Sud-Est Departments.

Alliance pour la Protection des Enfants, implemented by the American Institutes of Research, is supported by USAID Haiti and operates from 2016 to 2019.