Los Angeles County DCFS Community Cultural Broker Program Support

To address the needs of families of color and racial disproportionality in the child welfare system, effective programs that are also culturally and linguistically appropriate for families of color need to be rigorously evaluated. These programs also need to be made available in the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse (PSC) so that effective practices can be scaled, and communities can be reimbursed for service provision.
To be eligible for review by the PSC, programs need to have an implementation guidance manual and formative evaluation results that demonstrate the program is ready for rigorous evaluation. AIR is providing support to the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services in developing a manual for its Community Cultural Broker Program, a program specifically designed for eligible African American families involved with the child welfare system, as well as a brief descriptive data report to prepare it for a future evaluation and eligibility for PSC review.