USAID Bridge to Middle School Activity

For several decades, the Government of Morocco (GOM) has implemented sweeping and positive changes in its education sector. As a result, student enrollment increased, teacher qualifications improved, and significant curriculum reform took place. While strong foundations have been laid for quality and equity in education for all, the GOM needs additional investment and collaboration to keep up the momentum in order to achieve its 2030 education vision.
The USAID Bridge to Middle School Activity, led by FHI 360, aims to strengthen the Ministry of National Education's (MEN’s) capacity to implement new, student-centered curricula in Arabic and selected science subjects (grades 4–9), as well as English (grades 7–9), in ways that lead to measurable impacts on learning outcomes.
As a sub-partner to FHI 360, AIR offers technical assistance, which includes leading the development of learning assessments for grades 7-9 as aligned with the revised upper primary and middle school curricula; setting benchmarks using the policy linking method; and building capacity among teachers, inspectors, and MEN officers for sustained assessment practices.