Source & Grow Talent with Apprenticeships

Whether employers want to operate their own proprietary apprenticeship program or tap into existing ones, AIR provides training, tools, and connections.

AIR apprenticeship assistance is funded through a federal contract to provide these services to employers at no cost. To learn more, contact our team.

We had a great experience with a new apprentice who showed great interest in a new career and has done a great job over the time we had her.

— Steve Meek, CEO, The Fulcrum Group

AIR’s Hire-Ready Network of established Registered Apprenticeship Programs is ready to partner with employers to source and grow talent through apprenticeships. The Hire-Ready Network consists of program sponsors in 21 states and several National Program Sponsors who are eager to work with employers to connect them with diverse talent pools.

By hiring apprentices through one of AIR’s Hire-Ready Network partners, employers can:

  • Create training options that work best for them;
  • Increase employee retention and satisfaction; and
  • Improve productivity and profitability with a 44.3 percent return on investment, according to a 2022 study.

AIR helps employers by providing: 

  • Coaching by AIR’s team of apprenticeship experts;
  • Tools and resources developed by AIR to help employers on their apprenticeship journey; and
  • Support to help employers access the apprenticeship talent they need.


Stephanie Veck
Principal TA Consultant

Who We Serve



Group Sponsors

Educators, Trainers, and Community Support Organizations

States and National Organizations


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