

Displaying 436 - 450 of 903
The Adult Education division of the Texas Workforce Commission contracted with the Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and ...
The Science of Learning and Development (SoLD) initiative began in 2016 with a shared commitment to a better and more ...
The sudden influx of Syrian refugees into Lebanon created an education crisis in Lebanon that affects Syrian and vulnerable Lebanese ...
Oklahoma is among the states hardest hit by a combination of national trends in nonmedical uses of opioid prescription drugs, ...
In support of a confidential client’s large-scale change initiative, AIR conducted a comprehensive job analysis and competency modeling project. ...
The challenges of providing quality education to refugees are particularly pronounced in Kenya, which hosts hundreds of thousands of refugees ...
Title I, Part D of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act allocates funds to states and school districts to ...
Impact Network’s eSchool 360 program is a multifaceted program comprising an e-learning technology component, ongoing teacher training and professional development, ...
The released EdSurvey Version 3.1 is an R statistical package tailored to processing large-scale education data with appropriate procedures to ...
Violence against children is an enormous challenge in Haiti. Recovering from political instability and natural disaster, Haiti has a weak ...
This project covers support in all aspects of the Department of Education's NCES crime and safety surveys.
For the DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office, AIR and the Institute for Women’s Policy Research built a microsimulation model to simulate ...
Founded in 1970, the Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority (MNAA) manages Nashville, Tennessee's airport systems. Because of its fast growing population, ...
A major challenge in the growth of the Pay for Success model, which brings together investors with government agencies to ...
California's Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is intended to provide an additional year of early education for younger children, with the goal ...