Raising the Bar on Teacher Pay

Ellen Sherratt, Teacher Salary Project
Keane Alavi, AIR
Teacher with two young students

Fair and equitable compensation is a key driver in attracting and retaining a talented educator workforce. States and districts play the most significant role to ensure teacher salaries are competitive. To address current challenges related to educator shortages, many state and district leaders are actively engaged in discussions about increasing teacher salaries, among other things.

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Working with the Teacher Salary Project, we aim to support state and district leaders in designing teacher salary policies as a necessary condition for a more comprehensive suite of human capital policies and practices.

This brief presents national research on current teacher salaries, summarizing recent commitments to increase teacher pay made by state governors and outlining state-by-state data and guidance for considering teacher salary increases. We provide a starting place for discussions among state and district leaders and their stakeholders that will lead to the investments in teachers that are needed to deliver a high-quality education for all students.